The Presentation of Self


This meme depicts how a conversation between me and a girl named Kira last February 2022. I had the impression that she likes bad boys. Not soft-spoken ones. I was performing an identity of a bad boy while we were playing football on the field. In a way, I acted as if I was a tough guy. While sometimes that is true, I don't display that side of me all the time. I was trying to get her to create an impression of me where I'm strong and manly. 

While it is true that I wanted her to see me as something different from what I usually am, it does not mean that what I'm showing her is not my genuine self. My masculine side is still a part of myself. It is not phony. It is genuine but it lacks transparency as I am only showing her the parts which I want her to see as said in a study by Kim et. al., (2022).

Reference: Kim, T. Y., David, E. M., Chen, T., & Liang, Y. (2022). Authenticity or Self-Enhancement? Effects of Self-Presentation and Authentic Leadership on Trust and Performance. Journal of Management, 49(3), 944–973.


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