POV: Kiano

by Kiano Michiko L. Soliva

The infographic shows my four frames of identity which are based on Hecht's study. The frames, namely, Personal, Relational, Enacted, and Communal have subtopics that are written according to how I view myself, how others view me, how I show myself to others, and how I am collectively seen as a part of certain groups. 

Personally, I see myself as a strong, yet introverted and emotional man.

Based on the comments of others, I am seen as someone as energetic as I am quiet.

However, I express myself to people as someone who is approachable and ready to help at all times.

Lastly, my identity is common with the groups I am in. I am a player; both online and on the field. I am seen with a common identity with my fellow teammates on the pitch and on the game's battlefield.


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